Describe methods used to meet the goals of a strategic plan using best practices

 This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.


Select a healthcare organization, in this case it will be Hallandale Outpatient Surgical Center. The one you work for is a good choice because you have knowledge, access and experience with its inner workings.

 You may need to talk with managers in your facility to obtain information. 

In a 2-3 page paper, APA format including headings, use

One from peer-reviewed Nursing Journal not older than 5 years.

second from course text book:



9781455740710I or

ISBN: 9780323389662 (6th ed) 

Huber, D. (2010). Leadership and Nursing Care Management (5th 

ed.). Missouri: Saunders Elsevier.format required.

Analyze the following:

1. Discuss the mission and philosophy of a healthcare organization in relation to its strategic plan. (Another way of thinking about it – What is the organization’s mission and philosophy and how is this seen in its strategic plan?)

2. Describe methods used to meet the goals of a strategic plan using best practices. (Another way of thinking about it- What methods are being used by the organization to meet the goals of its strategic plan? Are these methods based on best practices?)

3. Critique evaluative effectiveness of a strategic plan. (Another way of thinking about it – How well is the strategic plan working? How is the organization evaluating what is being done? Are changes to the methods or plan being made based on results achieved?)


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Case Study Lyme Disease And Peripheral Vascular Disease

Case Study 

A 38-year-old male had a 3-week history of fatigue and lethargy with intermittent complaints of headache, fever, chills, myalgia, and arthralgia. According to the history, the patient’s symptoms began shortly after a camping vacation. He recalled a bug bite and rash on his thigh immediately after the trip. The following studies were ordered: 

Studies Results 

Lyme disease test, Elevated IgM antibody titers against Borrelia burgdorferi (normal: low) 

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), 30 mm/hour (normal: ≤15 mm/hour) 

Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), 32 units/L (normal: 8-20 units/L) 

Hemoglobin (Hgb), 12 g/dL (normal: 14-18 g/dL) 

Hematocrit (Hct), 36% (normal: 42%-52%) 

Rheumatoid factor (RF), Negative (normal: negative) 

Antinuclear antibodies (ANA), Negative (normal: negative) 

 Diagnostic Analysis 

Based on the patient’s history of camping in the woods and an insect bite and rash on the thigh, Lyme disease was suspected. Early in the course of this disease, testing for specific immunoglobulin (Ig) M antibodies against B. burgdorferi is the most helpful in diagnosing Lyme disease. An elevated ESR, increased AST levels, and mild anemia are frequently seen early in this disease. RF and ANA abnormalities are usually absent. 

Critical Thinking Questions 

1. What is the cardinal sign of Lyme disease? (always on the boards) 

2. At what stages of Lyme disease are the IgG and IgM antibodies elevated? 

3. Why was the ESR elevated? 

4. What is the Therapeutic goal for Lyme Disease and what is the recommended treatment 

 Peripheral Vascular Disease 

Case Studies 

A 52-year-old man complained of pain and cramping in his right calf caused by walking two blocks. The pain was relieved with cessation of activity. The pain had been increasing in frequency and intensity. Physical examination findings were essentially normal except for decreased hair on the right leg. The patient’s popliteal, dorsalis pedis, and posterior tibial pulses were markedly decreased compared with those of his left leg. 

Studies Results 

Routine laboratory work Within normal limits (WNL) 

Doppler ultrasound systolic pressures Femoral: 130 mm Hg; popliteal: 90 mm Hg; posterior tibial: 88 mm Hg; dorsalis pedis: 88 mm Hg (normal: same as brachial systolic blood pressure) 

Arterial plethysmography Decreased amplitude of distal femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, and posterior tibial pulse waves 

Femoral arteriography of right leg Obstruction of the femoral artery at the midthigh level 

Arterial duplex scan Apparent arterial obstruction in the superficial femoral artery 

 Diagnostic Analysis 

With the clinical picture of classic intermittent claudication, the noninvasive Doppler and plethysmographic arterial vascular study merely documented the presence and location of the arterial occlusion in the proximal femoral artery. Most vascular surgeons prefer arteriography to document the location of the vascular occlusion. The patient underwent a bypass from the proximal femoral artery to the popliteal artery. After surgery he was asymptomatic. 

Critical Thinking Questions 

1. What was the cause of this patient’s pain and cramping? 

2. Why was there decreased hair on the patient’s right leg? 

3. What would be the strategic physical assessments after surgery to determine the adequacy of the patient’s circulation? 

4. What would be the treatment of intermittent Claudication for non-occlusion? 


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Reflect on how patient factors such as genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, and behavior might impact these anemic disorders.

Discussion: Anemia

In clinical settings, advanced practice nurses often encounter patients with blood disorders such as anemia. Consider the case of a 17-year-old girl who is rushed to the emergency room after suddenly fainting. The girl’s mother reports that her daughter has had difficulty concentrating for the past week, frequently becomes dizzy, and has not been eating normally due to digestion problems. The mother also informs the nurse that their family has a history of anemia. With the family history of anemia, it appears that this is the likely diagnosis. However, in order to properly diagnose and treat the patient, not only must her symptoms and family history be considered, but also factors such as gender, ethnicity, age, and behavior. This poses the question: How do patient factors impact the incidence and prevalence of different types of anemia?

To Prepare

· Review Chapter 21 in the Huether and McCance text. Reflect on the pathophysiological mechanisms of iron deficiency anemia.

· Select one of the following types of anemia: pernicious anemia, folate deficiency anemia, sideroblastic anemia, chronic inflammation anemia, or post-hemorrhagic anemia. Identify the pathophysiological mechanisms of the anemia you selected.

· Consider the similarities and differences between iron deficiency anemia and the type of anemia you selected.

· Reflect on how patient factors such as genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, and behavior might impact these anemic disorders.


Post an explanation of the pathophysiological mechanisms of iron deficiency anemia and the anemia you selected. Compare these two types of anemia, as well as their potential causes. Finally, explain how genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, and behavior might impact the anemic disorders you selected.

Please use below resources for reference

Huether, S. E., & McCance, K. L. (2012). Understanding pathophysiology (Laureate custom ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.

  • Chapter 20, “Structure and      Function of the Hematologic System”

This chapter examines components of the hematologic system, development of blood cells, mechanisms of hemostasis, and hematologic value changes in pediatrics and geriatrics. It also focuses on common blood tests for hematologic disorders.

  • Chapter 21, “Alterations of      Hematologic Function”

This chapter focuses on common alterations of hematologic function, including alterations of erythrocyte function, leukocyte function, lymphoid function, splenic function, platelets, and coagulation.

  • Chapter 22, “Alterations of      Hematologic Function in Children”

This chapter expands on alterations of hematologic function by presenting disorders that affect children, such as disorders of erythrocytes, coagulation, and platelets.

Hammer, G. D., & McPhee, S. J. (2019). Pathophysiology of disease: An introduction to clinical medicine (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Chapter 6, “Blood Disorders”

This chapter begins by exploring the anatomy and physiology of blood and the coagulation system. It then examines two types of anemia caused by red cell disorders. White blood cell disorders and platelet disorders are also examined.


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Compare the cost of Healthcare in the U.S. considering the specific approaches of health promotion

Write a paper addressing the following questions (provide citations to references used): 

1. Is individual access to health care a right or a privilege? Consider the financial implications of your response. What are the additional responsibilities of the client, the nurse and the overall healthcare system based on your stance?

2. Compare the cost of Healthcare in the U.S. considering the specific approaches of health promotion, disease prevention, and chronic disease management.

a. Identify which approach is the most cost effective.

b. How can nursing practice impact the cost in each category?

3. What, in your opinion, are the current U.S. Health Care System design shortfalls, if any? How would you re-design the system to promote the approaches of health promotion, disease prevention, and chronic disease management?

4. Think about your future nursing practice. How can you use your nursing knowledge to champion health promotion, disease prevention, and chronic disease management?

5. Finally, recall the essential themes in the latest Institute of Medicine’s Report on the Future of Nursing? Reflect on how your knowledge/views/opinions have changed or remain the same since starting your education at Nightingale College.

Please make sure you follow the attached rubric. 


The Future of Nursing and Healthcare Assignment

The Future of Nursing    and Healthcare Assignment




This criterion is   linked to a Learning OutcomeThis Criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome   Analytical and Cognitive Skills

30.0 pts

Learner     Demonstrates understanding of content. In-text citations are present, but     there is less than 10% cited, the work is the learner’s own and not cited     or paraphrased material.

20.0 pts

Learner     understands most of the content. In-text citations are present but no more     than 20% is cited; and the majority of the work is the learner’s own

10.0 pts

Learner has     in-text citations, but less than 30% is cited. There is some content copied     and pasted from outside sources.

5.0 pts

Learner has     in-text citations, but less than 40% is cited. There is some content copied     and pasted from outside source.

0.0 pts

Work is unoriginal     and 40% or more is copied & pasted from outside resources.

30.0 pts

This criterion is   linked to a Learning OutcomeThis Criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome   Quality of Posts

10.0 pts

Thorough use of     key terms and concepts relevant to the assignment. Thoroughly incorporates     readings and other academic & professional resources

6.0 pts

Correct use of key     terms and concepts relevant to the assignment. Correctly incorporates     readings and other academic & professional resources.

4.0 pts

Minimal use of key     terms and concepts relevant to the assignment. Minimally incorporates     readings and other academic & professional resources

0.0 pts

No knowledge of     the key terms and concepts relevant to the assignment. No use of readings     or academic & professional resources.

10.0 pts

This criterion is   linked to a Learning OutcomeThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome   Addresses all questions

20.0 pts

Thoroughly and     substantively addresses all 5 questions.

15.0 pts

Thoroughly and     substantively addresses most of the questions.

5.0 pts

Addresses all     questions

0.0 pts

Does not address     the questions.

20.0 pts

This criterion is   linked to a Learning OutcomeThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome   Grammar and Spelling

10.0 pts

No Grammar or     Spelling Errors

5.0 pts

Less than 5     grammar or spelling errors

2.0 pts

More than 5 but     less than 10 grammar or spelling errors

0.0 pts

More than 10     grammar or spelling errors

10.0 pts

This criterion is   linked to a Learning OutcomeThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome   Evidence

10.0 pts

Provides     references to at least 5 scholarly sources (textbook, journal articles,     articles, etc.)

5.0 pts

Provides     references to less than 5 scholarly sources.

0.0 pts

No references     provided.

10.0 pts

This criterion is   linked to a Learning OutcomeThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome   Timeliness

20.0 pts

Assignment is on     time or early.

15.0 pts

Assignment is less     than 24 hours late.

10.0 pts

Assignment is less     than 48 hours late.

5.0 pts

Assignment is less     than 72 hours late.

0.0 pts

Assignment is     greater than 72 hours late.

20.0 pts


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Demonstrate a basic understanding of a healthcare system’s organizational structure

Mini-Paper: Compare the U.S. Healthcare System with the Switzerland Healthcare System (2 pages).   

Paper must be written in APA Format, but abstract is not needed. I only need a Title Page, 2 pages for content, and a References Page. At least three references are needed for this paper.

This assignment is intended to meet the following course objectives:

·  Demonstrate a basic understanding of a healthcare system’s organizational structure, financing, mission, vision, philosophy, and values.

·  Evaluate societal and healthcare trends influencing healthcare systems and models within political environments, including local, state, national, and global systems.

·  Examine global health systems, service delivery, factors influencing care and policy decisions, health disparities, and evidence-based care at local, state, national, and global levels.

Analyze the impact of cultural, societal, legal, and political factors, and ethical considerations, influencing healthcare policies, service delivery, economics and health disparities at local, state, national, and global levels.


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A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviors

Assignment: Personal Leadership Philosophies

Many of us can think of leaders we have come to admire, be they historical figures, pillars of the industry we work in, or leaders we know personally. The leadership of individuals such as Abraham Lincoln and Margaret Thatcher has been studied and discussed repeatedly. However, you may have interacted with leaders you feel demonstrated equally competent leadership without ever having a book written about their approaches.

What makes great leaders great? Every leader is different, of course, but one area of commonality is the leadership philosophy that great leaders develop and practice. A leadership philosophy is basically an attitude held by leaders that acts as a guiding principle for their behavior. While formal theories on leadership continue to evolve over time, great leaders seem to adhere to an overarching philosophy that steers their actions.

What is your leadership philosophy? In this Assignment, you will explore what guides your own leadership. 

To Prepare:

  • Identify two to three scholarly resources, in      addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership      behaviors in creating healthy work environments.
  • Reflect on the leadership behaviors presented      in the three resources that you selected for review.
  • Reflect on your results of the CliftonStrengths      Assessment, and consider how the results relate to your leadership traits.

The Assignment (2-3 pages):

Personal Leadership Philosophies

Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following:

  • A description of your core values
  • A personal mission/vision statement
  • An analysis of your CliftonStrengths Assessment      summarizing the results of your profile
  • A description of two key behaviors that you      wish to strengthen
  • A development plan that explains how you plan      to improve upon the two key behaviors you selected and an explanation of      how you plan to achieve your personal vision. Be specific and provide      examples.
  • Topics:      (Refer to the Assignment Rubric). Use the Suggested Format for this      assignment.
    • Description       of Core Values and Personal Mission/Vision Statement
    • Analysis       of the CliftonStrengths Assessment 
    • Description       of Key Behaviors to Strengthen
    • Development       Plans to improve Selected Key Behaviors to achieve Personal Vision.

Rubric Detail 

Top of Form

Develop and submit a   personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are   characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership   you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership   philosophy should include the following:

·   A description of your core values.
  ·   A personal mission/vision statement. 


Points Range: 14 (14.00%) – 15 (15.00%) 

The response   accurately and thoroughly describes in detail a set of core values.

  The response accurately and completely describes in detail a personal mission/vision statement.


·   Analysis   of your CliftonStrengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile.
  ·   A description of two key   behaviors you wish to strengthen. 


Points Range: 14 (14.00%) – 15 (15.00%) 

The response   accurately and completely provides an analysis and detailed summary of the   CliftonStrengths Assessment.

  The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail two key behaviors   to strengthen.


·   A development plan that   explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviors you selected and an explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal vision. Be   specific and provide examples. 


Points Range: 50 (50.00%) – 55 (55.00%) 

An accurate, complete,   and detailed development plan is provided that thoroughly explains plans to   improve upon the two key behaviors selected.

  The responses accurately and thoroughly explain in detail plans on how to   achieve a personal vision with specific and accurate examples.

The   response includes a comprehensive synthesis of information gleaned from   sources that fully support how to achieve a personal vision. Integrates 2 or more credible outside sources,   in addition to 2 or 3 course-specific resources to fully support the responses provided.


Written Expression and   Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization:

  Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow   logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully   focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear   and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction is provided which   delineates all required criteria. 


Points Range: 5 (5.00%) – 5 (5.00%) 

Paragraphs and   sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity.

A clear and   comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion is provided   which delineates all required criteria.


Written Expression and   Formatting – English writing standards:

  Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation 


Points Range: 5 (5.00%) – 5 (5.00%) 

Uses correct grammar,   spelling, and punctuation with no errors.


Written Expression and   Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings,   font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers,   parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list. 


Points Range: 5 (5.00%) – 5 (5.00%) 

Uses correct APA   format with no errors.

Learning Resources 

Required Readings

Marshall, E., & Broome, M. (2017). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

  • Chapter      1, “Expert Clinician to Transformational Leader in a Complex Health Care      Organization: Foundations” (pp. 7–20 ONLY)
  • Chapter      6, “Frameworks for Becoming a Transformational Leader” (pp. 145–170)
  • Chapter      7, “Becoming a Leader: It’s All About You” (pp. 171–194)

Duggan, K., Aisaka, K., Tabak, R. G., Smith, C., Erwin, P., & Brownson, R. C. (2015). Implementing administrative evidence-based practices: Lessons from the field in six local health departments across the United States. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1). doi:10.1186/s12913-015-0891-3. Retrieved from


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Discuss the importance of effective communication in the personal relationship

Discuss the importance of effective communication in the personal relationship, the therapeutic relationship, and the relationship within the interprofessional health-care team.2. What similarities and differences can you identify among the above interactions? 3. Explain the concept of congruence between verbal and nonverbal communication.4. There are many pitfalls to electronic communication. Identify a situation in which an electronic form of communication may result in a miscommunication. What other method of communication would have been more effective? 5. How have you seen ISBAR used during your clinical experiences? 6- Develop a hand-off report for yourself. Include items that you believe are pertinent for safe and effective nursing care. Refer to the information in the chapter for creating this report form. Using the information from the chapter, determine the effectiveness of the system currently in use on your unit for communicating shift-to-shift reports. 7-Dr. Roberts comes into the nurses’ station demanding, “Where are Mr. Adams’s lab reports? I ordered these stat, and they’re not here! Who’s responsible for this patient?” How would you, as the nurse, respond? 8-Explain the concept of accountability in delegation. What are the legal ramifications of accountability in delegation?9. Dennie and Elias arrive in the unit for the 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. shift. Both nurses completed orientation 4 weeks ago. They find that they will be the only two RNs on the floor that night. There is a census of 48 clients. The remaining staff consists of two NAPs/UAPs and one LPN. What are the responsibilities of the RN, NAP/UAP, and LPN? Can Dennie and Elias effectively delegate client care tasks and care safely for all 48 clients? Use the Delegation Tree to make your decisions.10. Discuss the differences between direct delegation and indirect delegation.  1. You have to observe delegation procedures in your assigned unit:A-What considerations does the RN take into account when delegating patient care? 2-You have to look at the unit census and prioritize the patient care:A- Give the rationale foryour choices.3.Answer the following questions during your clinical experiences:a. What specific tasks did your patients require that you might have been able to delegate?b. How effective was your nurse/preceptor in delegating tasks to others? c. How did your nurse/preceptor ensure that the tasks were completed safely and appropriately? 


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Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and lab significance related to evidence-based practice.


This week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcomes (COs).

  • CO 2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (PO 4 & 8)
  • CO 4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and significance related to evidence-based practice. (PO 4 & 8)
  • CO 5: Recognize the role of research findings in evidence-based practice. (PO 7 & 8)


Access the following information. You may read the PDF online or download it.

American Nurses Association. (2014). Fast facts: The nursing workforce 2014: Growth, salaries, education, demographics & trends. ANA. Retrieved from  (Links to an external site.)

  • Review the data presented in the ANA Fast Facts and describe some of the key attributes/characteristics of this sample of the nursing workforce.
  • Discuss some of the data that you found interesting; include what you believe the purpose (intent) of ANA sharing these results.
  • The instruments and tools that we use to collect data need to be reliable and valid. Define these terms and explain the importance of each. Share one way that can be used to collect data that you were not aware of or familiar with.

Professor’s comment: Class,
This week we are continuing our discussion on methods as well as data collection. How does a researcher ensure that reliability and validity are maintained in instruments and between raters?

You are also asked to read the above fast facts from the ANA. What was your impression of this data collected? What do you believe the intent was of the researcher who designed the survey?  Furthermore, discuss instruments, tools, reliability and validity.

We will continue our discussion in this thread talking about various instruments and how the strength of an instrument is an important part of the research process. Often times if the data collection instrument is poor, then the results will be, too.

We will be working toward the following Course Outcomes in this thread:

  • Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies.
  • Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and lab significance related to evidence-based practice.
  • Recognize the role of research findings in EBP.

I look forward to seeing you advance your research knowledge! Paula


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Primary Diagnosis: Proximal subungual onychomycosis

Chief complaint:  “ My right great toe has been hurting for about 2 months and now it’s itchy, swollen and yellow. I can’t wear closed shoes and I was fine until I started going to the gym”.

HPI: E.D a 38 -year-old Caucasian female presents to the clinic with complaint of pain, itching, inflammation, and “yellow” right great toe. She noticed that the toe was moderately itching after she took a shower at the gym. She did not pay much attention. About two weeks after the itching became intense and she applied Benadryl cream with only some relief.  She continued going to the gym and noticed that the itching got worse and her toe nail started to change color. She also indicated that the toe got swollen, painful and turned completely yellow 2 weeks ago. She applied lotrimin  AF cream and it did not help relief her symptoms. She has not tried other remedies.

Denies associated symptoms of fever and chills. 

PMH: Diabetes Mellitus, type 2.

Surgeries: None

Allergies: Augmentin

Medication: Metformin 500mg PO BID.

Vaccination History:  Immunization is up to date and she received her flu shot this year.

Social history: College graduate married and no children. She drinks 1 glass of red wine every night with dinner. She is a former smoker and quit 6 years ago.

Family history:Both parents are alive. Father has history of DM type 2, Tinea Pedis. mother alive and has history of atopic dermatitis, HTN.


Constitutional: Negative for fever. Negative for chills.

Respiratory: No Shortness of breath. No Orthopnea

Cardiovascular: Regular rhythm.

Skin: Right great toe swollen, itchy, painful and discolored.

Psychiatric: No anxiety. No depression.

Physical examination:

Vital Signs

Height: 5 feet 5 inches Weight: 140 pounds BMI: 31 obesity, BP 130/70 T 98.0, P 88 R 22, non-labored

HEENT: Normocephalic/Atraumatic, Bilateral cataracts; PERRL, EOMI; No teeth loss seen. Gums no redness.

NECK: Neck supple, no palpable masses, no lymphadenopathy, no thyroid enlargement.

LUNGS: No Crackles. Lungs clear bilaterally. Equal breath sounds. Symmetrical respiration. No respiratory distress.

HEART: Normal S1 with S2 during expiration. Pulses are 2+ in upper extremities. 1+ pitting edema ankle bilaterally.

ABDOMEN: No abdominal distention. Nontender. Bowel sounds + x 4 quadrants. No organomegaly. Normal contour; No palpable masses.

GENITOURINARY: No CVA tenderness bilaterally. GU exam deferred.

MUSCULOSKELETAL: Slow gait but steady. No Kyphosis.

SKIN: Right great toe with yellow-brown discoloration in the proximal nail plate. Marked periungual inflammation. + dryness. No pus. No neuro deficit.

PSYCH: Normal affect. Cooperative.

Labs: Hgb 13.2, Hct 38%, K+ 4.2, Na+138, Cholesterol 225, Triglycerides 187, HDL 37, LDL 190, TSH 3.7, glucose 98.


Primary Diagnosis: Proximal subungual onychomycosis

Differential Diagnosis:  Irritant Contact Dermatitis, Lichen Planus, Nail Psoriasis

Special Lab:

Fungal culture confirms fungal infection.

As an NP student, you need to determine the medications for onychomycosis.

1. According to the AAFP/CDC Guidelines, what antifungal medication(s) should this patient be prescribed, and for how long? Write her complete prescriptions using the prescription writing format in your textbook.

2.  What labs for baseline and follow up of therapy would you order for this patient? Give rationale.

You need 1 initial post and 1 reply for this DB. Total of 2 posts supported by peer-reviewed references, and in APA 6th ed format. 



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