Mandated Flu shots for healthcare workers

Portfolio Project Option #2: The Community Action Plan: Written Report and Handout

Your Portfolio Project for this class is a community action plan designed to alleviate or correct a public-health issue in your community. Your community can be your business, school, neighborhood, town or city of residence or birth, or county.

For Option 2, your Community Action Plan will be a professional portfolio that includes a written report and a handout.

Below are some useful sites where you can find examples of the elements of an action plan.
You will incorporate into this final plan any classmates’ critiques that you found useful as well as instructor feedback.

The written report should include:
The final case study, with four sections (Symptoms, Diagnosis, Cure, and Prevention). Each section should be about a page in length. Your entire paper must be 4-5 pages in length not counting the title or reference pages, which you must include. Your paper must follow theCSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
You must back up your sections using at least two scholarly articles. You may use readings other than the textbook to meet this requirement.
The key community members or partners that you plan on contacting, with an explanation why these individuals or organizations make sense as potential partners. This could include your list of potential partners created in Week 4 Critical Thinking Assignment Option #1, or your interview of one key partner completed in Week 4 Critical Thinking Assignment Option #2.
A special emphasis on either the demographics of the affected population or the economic implications, depend on what Critical Thinking Assignment you completed for Week 5.
A realistic timeline for your plan. Discuss the time needed for campaigning, education, funding, building, and implementation. Use ideas created during week 6 Critical Thinking Assignments, either the option for annotated bibliography or that for the brainstorming draft feedback.
The handout that you will distribute to audience members describes the problem in your community and your action plan. You may design this as an outline of your presentation or as a brochure to accompany your presentation with highlighted key points. The purpose of this handout is both to educate the audience about the issue and to help them follow along with you as you speak. Keep in mind that in real life you will have limited time to convince people of the gravity of the situation and to come on board with their support, so you want to be persuasive and get to the key points quickly and effectively.
Your handout must be supported by at least two scholarly articles. You may use the readings other than the textbook for this course.
Format your handout according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.


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“Sin” Products: On Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, and Fast Food.

Topic: “Sin” Products: On Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, and Fast Food.

Order Description
Media Ethics
4 questions that need to be assessed in 2 pages single spaced.The questions are on the issues of “sin” products and their portrayals in media. I will upload an outline with very specific instructions and guidelines. You have to use the outline to write the paper


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APA format.. 350 words (3 paragraphs). Use only scholar authors only. Please read all information before starting!!!! Make sure that you answer all the questions that are listed at the bottom of the p

APA format.. 350 words (3 paragraphs). Use only scholar authors only. Please read all information before starting!!!! Make sure that you answer all the questions that are listed at the bottom of the page.

Population Cultural is age 40-60 females / males that have uncontrolled blood pressure due lack of resources (education, awareness, money..etc)

Practicum Discussion: Culturally aware nurses recognize that states of health are revealed differently across cultures and ethnicities. Culture and ethnic background will affect the way each individual responds to health, illness, and death (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2016). These nurses are also aware of their own biases, which may affect the care they provide to others (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2016). Because most nurses work in institutions with individual patients, they are accustomed to delivering culturally competent care on a one-on-one basis. When a public health nurse deals with a population, he or she must consider how the population culture affects the ways in which the community nurse may interact. This can be with regard to the provision of education or mass health care needs such as those required in a foodborne illness, if mass vaccinations are needed for a communicable disease outbreak, or if education is required to prevent heart disease. In addition to understanding the nuances of the culture of a population, community health nurses must understand the role genetics play in health. Some disorders, such as glaucoma and diabetes, have a genetic link, as do some cancers, such as breast and ovarian.

Please discuss the following questions in your Practicum Discussion:

1.Provide a few examples of community resources that should be put in place to assist your population in resolving their health care needs. What gaps in service do you see that affect your population?

2.Are there any cultural considerations that might inform your approach to caring for this population?

3.Does your population have a genetic predisposition to the health care problem you have identified?

4.Identify at least one evidence-based, culturally competent behavior change that would promote health for your selected population and for the specific health care problem you are addressing?


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NM347-Birth in the US ReflectionNM347-Birth in the US ReflectionCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction20.0 ptsLevel 5Clear, concise and specific thesis statement.

NM347-Birth in the US ReflectionNM347-Birth in the US ReflectionCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
ptsLevel 5Clear, concise and specific thesis statement.18.0
ptsLevel 4Adequately introduces topic/ Thesis statement may be lacking specificity.16.0
ptsLevel 3The introduction is too short/Thesis statement is vague.14.0
ptsLevel 2Some introduction components missing/Thesis statement is poor or unidentifiable.12.0
ptsLevel 1Thesis missing/Introduction does not introduce the topic.0.0
ptsLevel 0No paper was submitted.20.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody Organization
ptsLevel 5Well organized and easy to follow/discusses all of the required sections (ethical, economic, cultural, and social; Exhibits critical thinking.18.0
ptsLevel 4Well organized and easy to follow/all of the required sections are included but require more explanation.16.0
ptsLevel 3Some organizational problems/Missing a required section.14.0
ptsLevel 2Difficult to follow/Missing more than one section.12.0
ptsLevel 1No sequence/Jumps topics frequently/missing major sections of the paper.0.0
ptsLevel 0No paper was submitted.20.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFluency/Mechanics
ptsLevel 5Uses excellent vocabulary well/Stays on topic/Correct tense and point of view/Has sentence variety/Correct spelling/punctuation.18.0
ptsLevel 4Attempts higher level vocabulary with some success/Stays on topic/Mostly correct tense and point of view/Sentences correct but lacking in variety/Few spelling errors.16.0
ptsLevel 3Both higher and lower vocabulary/Some tense and point of view errors/Occasionally strays off-topic/ Some sentence fragments or run-ons/Several preventable spelling errors.14.0
ptsLevel 2Vocabulary is very basic and incorrect/Some tense and point of view errors/Many sentence fragments/run-ons/Many spelling errors.12.0
ptsLevel 1Improper word choices/ Many tense and point of view errors/ Many mechanical errors of all types.0.0
ptsLevel 0No paper was submitted.20.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion
ptsLevel 5Deliberate closing strategy/Does not introduce new material/Paraphrases thesis but does not merely repeat the introduction.18.0
ptsLevel 4Adequate closing/Does not introduce new material/ Re-states thesis in the same words but does not completely repeat the introduction.16.0
ptsLevel 3Weak closing/Does not introduce new material/Merely repeats introduction.14.0
ptsLevel 2Weak closing/Introduces new material/Dos do not refer to the thesis.12.0
ptsLevel 1No formal closing/New material introduced/Does not refer to the introduction.0.0
ptsLevel 0No paper was submitted.20.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA 6th Edition FormattingPRICE-I
ptsLevel 5The entire paper is properly formatted according to APA 6th edition. This includes a title page, in-text citations, reference list, Times New Roman 12 point font, and a complete reference list that includes all citations used in the body of the paper.9.0
ptsLevel 4Improperly cites in-text references or has 1-2 formatting errors.8.0
ptsLevel 3Paper has 3-4 improper formatting errors or references incomplete or incorrectly formatted.7.0
ptsLevel 2Improper format in most places/References incomplete and incorrectly formatted/Students may need to revise the paper if violations of the Herzing University Academic Integrity Policy are violated.6.0
ptsLevel 1Improper format throughout/No reference page/ Student will need to revise the paper if violations of the Herzing University Academic Integrity Policy are violated.0.0
ptsLevel 0No paper was submitted.10.0 ptsTotal Points: 90.0PreviousNext


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Community nursing

Community nursing

Please follow the instruction carefully and see the attachment for the marking criteria and for more details
Essay topic:
Discuss how the community nurse, using an empowerment approach, could promote health literacy in
relation to the health goal identified for the chosen client group.

Selected Scenario :
You are working as a registered nurse in a community centre that serves a large migrant population.
Goal: You want to promote the women’s health literacy and decision-making related to a selected
lifestyle issue (diet, exercise).

• Write a 2,000 word essay which discusses how the community nurse, using an empowerment approach, could promote health literacy in relation to the health goal for the chosen client group.
• Ensure that you base your analysis and discussion on community health principles and approaches; including primary health care model (rather than the medical model); a group,
community or population focus (rather than an individual or disease focus) and health promotion strategies.
• Ensure that you use scholarly literature relevant to the essay task and the scenario you have chosen and support the points you make in your essay.


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Identify a local, national, or international health care organization (local hospital, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), etc.)

Already Assigned

Identify a local, national, or international health care organization (local hospital, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), etc.) you want to focus on for the duration of this course.

Research this organization and collect any documentation that they provide publicly (mission and vision statements, strategic plan, annual budgets, projected earnings, Sustainable Development Management Plan (SDMP), etc.).

Write a 700- to 12,050-word paper that analyzes the following or the lack thereof: •The organization’s sustainability plan •The organization’s mission and vision for sustainability •The position and responsibilities of the sustainability manager (or equivalent position) ?If they do not have a sustainability manager (or equivalent position), what position should be created, and what would their responsibilities entail? •The relevance of sustainability to the organization’s operations •How the organization aIDresses sustainability concepts, such as nature, health, environment, and social well-being •Efforts already undertaken to aIDress sustainability issues •Measurements of their efforts to promote sustainable practices ?If they do not, what measurements should be taken to promote sustainable practices? •Relevant outcomes to support sustainability ?How might outcomes be reported?

Cite 3 reputable references to support your paper (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).


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“Murugappa” and “Islamic hospitality Development challenges and opportunities” Order Description There are two readings as attached files

“Murugappa” and “Islamic hospitality Development challenges and opportunities” Order Description There are two readings as attached files: “Murugappa” and “Islamic hospitality Development challenges and opportunities”. Please write a one-page summary for each of the reading and write one question for each reading following by the each summary. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)vv 36. Classical conditioning/• Reinforcement theory • Classical conditioning/• Reinforcement theory/• Bandura’s Social Learning Theory/• Gestalt theory/• Bowlby/Ainsworth Attachment/• Piagetian theory/Constructivism • Psychoanalytic theory (modified)/• Vygotsky theory/• Information Processing/• Cognitive Neuroscience write a final expository essay (at least 2000 words) for this course that is worth 100 points. In an expository essay the student studies the literature related to a topic, forms a thesis statement based on his/her understanding of the material, and then explains and supports that thesis.The student moves beyond simply reporting the information gathered from the literature to analysis and interpretation of the material. For this course, you will discuss how two key theoretical orientations (see below) is applied in the clinic, classroom, workplace, military, hospital, or other setting beyond academia. Recommended Theoretical Topics • Classical conditioning • Reinforcement theory • Bandura’s Social Learning Theory • Gestalt theory • Bowlby/Ainsworth Attachment • Piagetian theory/Constructivism • Psychoanalytic theory (modified) • Vygotsky theory • Information Processing • Cognitive Neuroscience Here are the requirements for this essay. • This essay will be at least 2000 words. • APA format and reference style. • Discussion and references to at least 4 peer-reviewed psychological journal articles available as fulltext • No abstract or title page please. • Your name on the first line of the paper. No running headers on top of page or page numbers. • File format as RTF, rich text format, doc, or Word 97. • No more than one quotation. 1. Introduction (roughly 200 words) What 2 theoretical traditions I will apply and why they interest me. 2. Theoretical Tradition 1 (roughly 600 words) 1 page Description of Several Key Concepts of this Tradition An application of this theoretical tradition in the setting chosen An application of this theoretical tradition in the setting chosen 3. Theoretical Tradition 2 (roughly 600 words) 1 page Description of Several Key Concepts of this Tradition An application of this theoretical tradition in the setting chosen An application of this theoretical tradition in the setting chosen 4. Critical Thinking (more than 600 words) Limits to Theoretical Tradition 1 e.g. Scientific evidence Strengths? Modifications needed to improve applications? Limits to Theoretical Tradition 2 e.g. Scientific evidence? Strengths? Modifications needed to improve applications?


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Outline Ways to keep a healthy blood pressure

Outline Ways to keep a healthy blood pressure


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How are drugs sorted into therapeutic groups and classes?

How are drugs sorted into therapeutic groups and classes?
A. first by the conditions that they are used to treat. and then by their mechanisms of action
B. first by their mechanisms of action. and then by their therapeutic effects
C. first by their side effects. and then by their therapeutic effects
D. first by their toxicity. and then by their effectiveness
2. Bone marrow transplants…
A. require that the patient first undergo chemotherapy or radiation to kill the diseased stem cells and promote white blood cell production.
B. are a type of stem cell therapy. unless patient’s own cells are reinjected.
C. are always a type of stem cell therapy.
D. can help people with leukemia. a condition in which the body does not produce enough white blood cells.
3. What does AMA stand for?
A. American Medical Academy
B. American Medical Accreditation
C. American Medical Association
D. Association of Medical Assistants
4. What section of a drug’s package insert describes situations in which the drug should not be used because the risks outweigh the therapeutic benefits?
A. adverse reactions
B. contraindications
C. overdosage
D. warning/precautions
5 What is tertiary care?
A. aIDing medications together to achieve a better clinical effect
B. highly specialized medical and surgical care provided by a large medical center for unusual or complex medical problems
C. receiving medical or surgical care that does not require an overnight stay in the treatment facility
D. seeing a physician for routine checkups and general healthcare
6. Which of the following is NOT one of the stages in the classic approach to brand development strategy covered in your manual?
A. brand personality
B. brand positoning
C. brand quality
D. brand values
7 What are vasodilators used to do?
A. decrease vascular resistance and increase blood flow
B. mimic pathogens to stimulate the immune system
C. narrow the blood vessels
D.stimulate the CNS to make the heart beat faster
8. What is the name of the condition that occurs after a specific dose of a drug is given at such regular intervals that absorption and elimination (and therefore drug plasma concentration) have become fairly constant?
A. homeostasis
B. steady state
C. titration
D. tolerance
9. Which statement is TRUE about ocular administration?
A. Ocular administration is primarily for drugs that must cross the blood-brain barrier.
B. Ocular administration is used primarily to treat the eye.
C. Ocular administration is used when a drug must enter the bloodstream immediately.
D. Ocular administration is used when a drug must produce immediate effects on the brain or spinal cord.
10. Which entities invest’s the most money in pharmaceutical R&D?
A. Canadian pharmaceutical companies
B. the NIH
C. the U.S. Government
D. U.S. pharmaceutical companies
11. How are most drugs excreted?
A. via the bloodstream
B. via the heart
C. via the kidneys
D. via the skin
12. Over the last few decades, what has happened to legal limitations on sales’ reps discussions about off label uses?
A. Limitations have decreased.
B. Limitations have increased significantly.
C. Limitations have increased slightly.
D. Limitations have remained about the same.
13. Answer:Branding name
14. What does it mean if two drugs are at parity?
A. Both drugs are essentially in a neutral position.
B. Both drugs are generics.
C. Both drugs have exclusive preferred status.
D. The two drugs are bioequivalent.
15. Who is most likely to benefit from electronic sampling programs?
A. Everyone would benefit equally from electronic sampling programs
B. physicians in hospitals who are too busy to see representatives
C. physicians in rural areas who are not as frequently visited by representatives
D. physicians in urban areas who are too busy to see representatives
16. When referring to medication dosage, which abbreviation means “one-half’:
17 What is an internist?
A. a physician who practices internal medicine
B. a physician’s intern
C. a type of oncologist who specializes in chemotherapy
D. an internal sales representative
18. Which of the following is a type of white blood cell?
A. erythrocytes
B. insulin
C. Lymphocytes
19. Why are novice sales representatives often placed in charge of negotiating MCO formularies?
A. to become more familiar with the healthcare industry
B. to become more familiar with their territories
C. P&T committees are more receptive to new faces.
D. They are not. This job is usually reserved for more experienced reps.
20. What distinguishes pharmacodynamics from pharmacokinetics?
A. Pharmacodynamics studies a drug’s ex vivo effects.
B. Pharmacodynamics studies how drugs affect the body.
C. Pharmacodynamics studies the how the body affects drugs.
D. Pharmacodynamics studies the time required for a drug’s absorption.
21 What proportion of the drugs tested on human subjects are eventually approved by the FDA?
A. about 20%
B. about 60%
C. about 70%
D. about 95%
22. According to a study discussed in your manual, how do most physicians prefer to receive their drug samples?
A. by borrowing them from hospitals
B. by ordering them over the Internet
C. by trading them for services
D. directly from sales representatives
23. Which of the following is an example of a central value?
A. I buy Advil to show that I’m a modern consumer.
B. I like Advil because we were both born in the 80s.
C. I prefer Advil because I like the flavor.
D. I prefer Advil because it’s easier to swallow.
24. Which of the following specialties likely has the MOST emergency calls?
A. cardiology
B. psychiatry
C. urology
D. All specialists have the same number of emergency calls.
25. What affects the rate of active transport?
A. the availability of carriers. but not energy
B. the availability of energy. but not carriers
C. the availability of carriers and energy
D. neither the availability of carriers nor the availability of energy
26. Over the last few decades, what has happened to the FDA approval time for new drugs?
A. It has been lengthened to ensure safer drug products.
B. It has been lengthened to limit DTC marketing
C. It has been shortened to improve drug quality
D. It has been shortened to reduce the cost of new drug development.
27. Which of the following would NOT help improve compliance?
A. patients liking their providers
B. patients using only one pharmacist
C. pharmacists understanding how generics differ from brand name drugs
D. support groups
28. Which entity chooses a drug’s trade name?
A. the drug’s inventor
B. the drug’s manufacturer
C. the FDA
D. the United States Pharmaceutical Council
29. What type of stem cells are obtained from embryos and can develop into any cell type?
A. multipotent
B. pluripotent
C. totipotent
D. All stem cells can develop into any cell type.
30. As the price a patient pays for a prescription increases, what happens to the likelihood that the patient will fill it?
A. It decreases.
B. It increases.
C. It remains unaffected because the prescription is needed.
D. It remains unaffected because the prescription’s increased cost is offset by its perceived value.
31. Most involuntary movements come from which type of muscle tissue?
A. cardiac and smooth
B. only skeletal
C. skeletal and cardiac
D. skeletal and smooth
32. Which of the following is NOT one of the body’s major organ systems?
A. the cardiovascular system
B. the cellular system
C. the gastrointestinal system
D. the musculoskeletal system
33. How do most drugs exert their primary physiological effects?
A. by activating synapses between different types of tissues
B. by binding to cell receptors that are sensitive to their presence
C. by inhibiting synapses between different types of tissues
D. through genetic mutation
34. What is the most reliable source of information for determining therapeutically equivalent drug products?
A. AMA guide
B. Blue Book
C. FDA drug list
D. Orange Book
35. What does subcutaneous mean?
A. beneath the intervention
B. beneath the muscle tissue
C. beneath the outer skin
D. beneath the suture
36. What should a sales representative do if all of the prime spaces in a drug cabinet are coccupied?
A. ask staff for permission to move some of the other products in the cabinet
B. ask staff for permission to throw away expired products in the cabinet
C. ask the doctor if he still needs some of the other products in the cabinet
D. surreptitiously move your largest competitors’ products out of the way
37. It is inappropriate for physicians’ prescribing behaviors to be educated by their personal tastes and idiosyncrasies
38.The FDA defines API as the active__ ingredient in a drug, which produces the desired change in the body.
A. pharmaceutical
B. positive
C. potent
D. primary
39. What are the 2 legal classifications of wholesalers?
A. distributors and supply chains
B. pharmacists and NAMs
C. primary and secondary wholesale distributors
D. retailers and institutions
40.What term describes the usage of a medication for purposes other than the FDA-approved indications on the labeling?
A. contraindicative indication
B. off-indication usage
C or D. off-label
41. What is the acronym for pharmacokinetics?
D. pT
42. The dosage range of a drug that is both safe and beneficial is known as the therapeutic window.
43. What is typically NOT a characteristic of a pharmaceutical sales rep?
A. Pharmaceutical sales reps are authentic and real.
B. Pharmaceutical sales reps are creative.
C. Pharmaceutical sales reps are focused.
D. Pharmaceutical sales reps are not concerned about competitors.
44. What entity grants drug patents?
A. the FDA
B. the FDA if the drug is over-the-counter and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office if the drug is prescription
C. the FDA if the drug is prescription and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office if the drug is over-the-counter
D. the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
45. Which of the following refers to all active and inert pharmaceutical ingredients in a drug, including fillers and colors?
A. formulation
B. mycoplasma
C. peptide
D. saccharide
46. What is the difference between potency and efficacy?
A. Doctors prefer more potent drugs.
B. Drug manufacturers prefer more potent drugs.
C. Potency refers to the drug’s effectiveness. while efficacy refers to its strength.
D. Potency refers to the drug’s strength, while efficacy refers to its effectiveness.
47. What is the minimum level of education required for a nurse practitioner?
A. a certification program
B. an associate’s degree
C. a bachelor’s degree
D. a graduate degree
48. How many names must a drug have?
A. at most three
B. at least three
C. at most five
D. at least five
49. How has a longer development time increased the cost of bringing a new drug to market?
50. Senior citizens consume over times as many pharmaceuticals as people under 65.
A. three
B. five
C. ten
D. fifteen
51. What agency regulates the distribution and use of narcotics?
52. What is passive diffusion?
A. a type of pinocytosis
B. membrane transport via vesicles
C. the use of energy to help a substance pass from a low concentration gradient to a high one
D. when a substance freely moves through a membrane from a high concentration gradient to a low one




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